Credit card debt can be difficult to pay off. While there’s no way of getting rid of debt without paying it off, there are some things that can be done to help manage the payments, making the whole process easier to manage.
Switching Credit Card Balance
The Bank of England’s base rate had been at 0.5% since March 2009, however since then average credit card rates have reached more than 18%. This means if you have an overdrawn credit card, 18% interest has to be paid back on top of the overdrawn amount to get out of debt. Switching the balance to a 0% balance transfer deal can alleviate this, some credit cards even offer up to 28 months interest-free which gives time to pay back the overdrawn amount without the interest charges.
Reject Interest Increases
If a credit card is overdrawn, credit card companies will sometimes increase the interest rate. However it is possible to reject this increase if you contact the company within 60 days. The credit card will then become unusable, but the additional charges won’t be added.